This my first list of things that our parents
(especially our moms) said to us a
children that I promised myself I would never say to my daughter, but somehow
the lines still manage to come out.
These weekly posts will include the phrases,
my reactions when I was kid, my daughter’s reaction to me and my reaction to my
Some of her
reactions are just Priceless & others…well I will let you decide for
“I am going to change my
name to something else other than “mommy”.
My Reaction to my
mom as a kid: I remember when my mom
said this to me for the first time. I was devastated. I didn’t know what to do
because she was just mommy to me.
My daughter s’ reaction: WELL TIMES ARE A
CHANGING!! I said this to my four year old the other day and she stopped,
looked at me, said okay and called me by my first name! Yes! My first name!
My Reaction to my
daughter: I couldn’t do anything
except laugh and shake my head because her response was not what I was
expecting at all. Kids these days are
different from when I grew up. Wouldn’t have dared, or thought about calling my
mom by her first name cause she would of opened up a fresh can of whoop ass on
me…what would your mom have done?
“Little girls don’t
(act, sit, talk, etc) like that”.
My Reaction to my
mom as a kid: I just use to get
frustrated when my mom said this to me. But OH NO, not my little one.
My daughters’ reaction: When I said this to her she asked
“mommy then I don’t want to be a girl anymore I want to be a boy”.
My Reaction to my
daughter: all I could say was “uh huh” and “you
can’t be a boy” and walked away because I knew the “mommy why not?” question
was coming and I couldn’t wrap my head around having that conversation at that
“One day when you
have your own children you will understand.”
My Reaction to my
mom as a kid: Again something else that I would just walk
away angry from my mom about.
My daughter s’ reaction: . She looks me square in
the face and tells me, “I am not going to have kids, I am too little, so I
won’t understand”.
My Reaction to my
daughter: Again it was “Uh huh! “ and I left it at that
“Answer me when I
ask you a question!”
My Reaction to my
mom as a kid: When my mom said this to
me I would answer even if I was scared shit-less!
My daughter reaction: My daughter….she just
looks as me as if I have 2 heads. She is SOOO stubborn! Wonder where she gets
if from J
My reaction to my
daughter: I just
shook my head cause I knew my question wasn’t going to get answered. I have
learned to pick my battles and this was one I didn’t want to have.
“How many times do I
have to tell you?”
My Reaction to my
mom as a kid: I would apologize. Quick, fast and in a hurry
My daughter reaction: “Huh?,
what did you tell me?” or “Huh mommy, what
did you say?”
My reaction to my
daughter: My
daughters’ response to this drives me ABSOLUTELY crazy. Usually I have to take
a mommy time out when she responds. I set myself up for it every time!! I
usually say this after I have repeated myself at minimum 5 times about
something as simple as picking up a wrapper off the floor and she acts like she
doesn’t hear me or takes FOREVER to do the task at hand. I tell she is lucky that she didn’t grow up
with Grammy because Grammy believe that’s “sparing the rod, spoils the child”
(if you know what I mean)

lol I LOVE this!! I am in total agreement with you! My mom used to say the same things, and my reactions where quite the same as yours, but when I say things to my kids!! Oh lordy! lol I get a lot of the same responses as you do from your little princess! It drives me bonkers!!! lol I loved this really, and what a great idea to post about! I think people would have a heart attack if they heard the things my kids say back! lol Especially grandmas who dont mess around with 'smart mouths' lol my kids are definitely that! Wonder where they get it from huh? :0) Thanks for the laughs and head nods in agreement with you!
Oh yes, my mom used a lot of these lines too! :)
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Ugg! i have one of those too! My hubby always says to go easy on her...double ugg! That was a good laugh, thanks for posting. I'm following back now as well. if you like hops be she to join in on my Monday hop @
Have a wonderful night,
These are classic!! Sorry it took me awhile to stop by. Thanks for linking up at the hop yesterday on my blog. Following back!
Heather From and Mommy Only Has Two Hands! and Lynhea Designs
Thanks for finding me today, I love the blog hops ;)
Happy to be following you back!
Happy Friday!
What a fun post to read. So true!
Visiting from the Friday blog hop. So nice to meet you. Hope you are enjoying your weekend.
Very nice postt
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