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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Inspiration for the Day:

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Father’s Day Gift Guide: Ozeri 4x3razor Digital Pocket 3D Pedometer

Ozeri 4x3razor Digital Pocket 3D Pedometer with Bosch Tri-Axis Technology

List Price: $49.99, (Sale price on Amazon: $28.95)

Product Features
·         New 3D Tri-Axis Bosch Sensor from Germany (with X, Y, Z vector detection) provides superior accuracy in any position.
·         Designed for high-performance athletes, the 4x3razor is the world's thinnest and lightest pedometer -- 0.5cm (less than 0.2") thick and weighs just half an ounce.
·         Records steps, distance, calories, fat burned and exercise time with the most advanced Tri-Axis technology.
·         Counts up to 1 million steps with 7-Day Memory, and includes a built-in Clock and Sports Timer with Auto Sleep technology.
·         Razor thin design that fits in any pocket. Ships with a belt clip, extra battery, and detachable lanyard included. 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.

I was SOOOO excited to get my Pedometer in the mail. I have been on health kick recently with eating gluten free, going to the gym and getting a trainer to help me out so this was perfect timing to receive this Pedometer for a product review.
My job requires a lot of sitting all day so to get the best use of my pedometer instead of calling a co-worker on the phone when I had a question I would walk over to their desk.
Instead of taking the elevator, I would walk up and down the steps (I work on the 3rd floor). I would walk just to walk to see how many steps I could take each day and it turned into a fun little game that I played and yet it was benefiting my health.
I also liked this product because I didn’t have to clip it to my belt or pants, I could easily put it in my pocket and it still would count the steps that I was taking.
Results for 30 days were on average I walked: 11,554 steps (this includes the times I went to gym to work out)

Overall rating for the Ozeri 4x3razor 
Digital Pocket 3D Pedometer

Disclaimer: This post was sponsored by Ozeri and I was under no obligation to write about them nor was I obligated to provide a positive review in return for the compensation. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

SodaStream Product Review

I love soda and most recently have switched over to Zero calorie soda brands like Zevia and Waist Watchers. These types of low calorie sodas rarely go on sale and can get very expensive to purchase on a regular basis. I was SO excited when I received the opportunity to review SodaStream.


Overall I really like the SodaStream! It's so easy to make and it's good to be able to decide how much fizz you want in your soda! I also like the fact that it comes in diet which is zero calories and it is sweetened with Splenda vs. Aspartame.

There are several varieties to select from so you will never get bored with your soda selection at home and nothing beats the fact that having SodaStream will save me money.

I loved all of the diet soda’s and was so happy for the samples that I received. By far my favorite is the Black Currant & Pear and the diet Lemon Lime. The kids loved the diet cola soda and the ginger ale and they enjoyed helping to make the soda at home. They thought it was the coolest thing ever!

 Overall Rating for SodaStream: 
 eeeee5 Stars



How Does SodaStream Help the Environment?
SodaStream is an "Active Green" product, meaning that consumers are actively reducing their CO2 footprint every time they make soda  or sparkling water at home instead of buying it from the store. The more the system is used on a daily basis, the more CO2 footprint the user actively saves. (This differs from "Passive Green" products, which use green-friendly production processes, but their products are not inherently helping the consumers save on their daily footprint.)

Because SodaStream uses water straight from the tap, the system makes traditional store-bought beverage bottles obsolete. That means less plastic manufactured, less plastic waste is created, and fewer bottled beverages must be transported from manufacturers to distributors to stores to homes.

Globally, 206 billion liters of bottled water were consumed in 2008 (Zenith International Global Bottled Water Report, 2008). The energy required to make water bottles in the US only, is equivalent to 17 million barrels of oil (Container Recycling Institute, 2002).

According to the US Recycling Institute, more than 80% of bottles in the US do not get recycled and end up in landfills. Also, an estimated 4.7 million tons of greenhouse gas emissions were produced in the process of replacing the 134 billion bottles and cans not recycled in 2005.

Insiprational Quote for the Day: by Lao Tzu

Monday, May 28, 2012

Win a Kindle Fire Tablet at Maple Casino

Maple Casino is giving out one of the newest & hottest items around: the Amazon Kindle Fire. This tablet PC allows you to enjoy books, games, apps, and everything the Internet has to offer!

Click here to Review Promotional Page

1- Entries accepted until 30 May 2012.
2 - The more activities you complete, the better your chances.
3 - The winner will be drawn and announced on the 31st May 2012.
4 - Legitimate, active accounts only. Spammy or suspicious entries will be automatically disqualified.
5 - Prize includes shipping to Canada based entrants only. Shipping outside of Canada may incur an additional charge.
6 - The prize is 1x Amazon Kindle Fire - View full product details here.

 Simply use Rafflecopter below to complete as many tasks as possible. The more actions you complete, the better your chances of winning!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Memorial Day

Memorial Day is a federal holiday observed annually in the United States on the last Monday of May. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it originated after the American Civil War to commemorate the fallen Union soldiers of the Civil War. By the 20th century Memorial Day had been extended to honor all Americans who have died in all wars.

Prayer: Dear Lord, please bless and watch over those soldiers that are still in various parts of the world that are still serving in Our Armed Forces. I ask that no hurt, harm or danger come to them and that they are able to return home to their families and love ones safe and sound. God please bless and allow those families of fallen soldiers to find comfort on this Memorial Day knowing that their loved ones died in the line of duty while protecting the values of the citizens of the United States of America! Amen.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Guest Post: Heather Von St & Being Diagnosed with Mesothelioma

A baby gives new meaning to the old cliché “it takes a village.” Except for an emergency C-section during delivery, I had an uneventful pregnancy. Little did we know the storm that lay ahead.

Although I returned to my full-time job within four weeks, I was tired and breathless. Being a new mom was hard work, but I knew something was wrong. A battery of medical tests soon led to an answer.

On November 21, 2005, just three and a half months after Lily came into our lives, doctors gave me a diagnosis of malignant pleural mesothelioma, lung cancer caused by asbestos. Thirty years after a previously unknown exposure, I had mesothelioma.

Doctors said I had 15 months to live if I rejected treatment. My mind flashed to my baby, my husband, and my new life. I knew we would do whatever it took to keep our family together. The prognosis was grim, and so we chose the most radical treatment offered.

My husband and I flew to Boston where some of the best mesothelioma doctors and doctors handled my care. On February 2, 2006, I underwent extrapleural pneumenectomy, a surgical treatment that removed my left lung. I spent the next 18 days recovering in the hospital and two months later, I started chemotherapy and radiation, all the while thinking of my new role as mom.

The “village” came to our rescue, surrounding us with love, support, and prayers. Unexpected help came from surprising places; and some of the people we thought we could depend on fled. Cancer has a way of weeding through the people who stick around during rough times and those who disappear.

Lily lived with my parents while we were in Boston and they had their own village as well. Girls I once babysat now had kids of their own who volunteered to watch Lily while my parents went to work each day. Church members I knew as a child encircled my parents with strength and love. Meanwhile, we met new friends in Boston who were going through the same hardships. These connections sustained us from day to day.

In South Dakota where I had grown up, my baby girl was starting to eat solid foods and scoot around the floor. I witnessed these events through grainy back and white photos emailed by my mom and printed on a community printer by my husband. Trying not to cry, nurses joined me to ooh and ah over the pictures that replaced the baby in my arms. I was fighting for Lily, and she was in the best of hands.

Although miles and months now separate our visits, Lily has a strong bond with my parents. Knowing how fragile life can be, we embrace the future as a family. No one promised it would be easy, but we do our best. My favorite quote says it all: “life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death.”

Cancer is a funny thing; a lot of good comes along with the bad. I am grateful for that lesson.

Heather Von St James is a 43-year-old wife and mother. Upon her diagnosis of mesothelioma, she vowed to be a source of hope for other patients who found themselves with the same diagnosis. Now, over 6 years later, her story has been helping people all over the globe. She continues her advocacy and awareness work by blogging, speaking and sharing her message of hope and healing with others. 

Check out her story at the

Navigating the Complicated process of Financial Aid from Southern New Hampshire University

As we all know the cost of a college education is constantly on the rise year over year. Many of us don’t have the finances to pay for college upfront for our children and navigating the financial aid process can be stressful, time consuming and challenging. 

Southern New Hampshire University has created an online self-help website page to help you navigate the waters of financial aid. It provides references for grants, scholarships, work study and federal loans including completing the FASA form. The site also goes through an explanation of the types of federal loans, an online calculator for “how much money you can receive” and application tips for completing.

A comprehensive website for navigating the intimidating and complicated process of applying for  financial assistance.

Navigating the financial aid system infographic by Southern New Hampshire University, SNHU.EDU
Brought to You by SNHU.EDU Online College Programs

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that Single Mom Inspirations has an affiliate relationship or other material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned by, recommended, hyperlinked to, or otherwise referenced on Single Mom Inspirations. In addition, you should assume that Single Mom Inspirations may be compensated monetarily or non-monetarily when you visit, purchase goods or services from, or take any other action on a third-party website mentioned by, recommended, hyperlinked to, or otherwise referenced on Single Mom Inspirations. You should always perform due diligence before buying any goods or services online or offline.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Inspiration for Day: God Works in Mysterious Ways

Today started off as any other day. My daughter spent the night at my mother’s house as she does from time to time. I got up this morning and ran some errands and went to pick her up. We decided to go to Toys R’ Us as I had previously promised her that I would get her a soccer goal and ball for her to practice with in the back yard and she had a great week at school so I figured I would surprise her and get her one today.

As we were driving home from Toys R’ Us, I got off on an exit that was 2 down from my exit because something in my spirit was telling me to go and visit my ex father-in-law.

To understand the power of how God works in mysterious ways let me give you a little background. I LOVE my ex-father-in-law like a dad and he adores me. Unfortunately we have not talked nor has he seen my daughter in over 2 years since my divorce. I think it was because both one of us knew if the relationship we had was ruined because of how my divorce went down. Neither one of us wanted or could make the first move, but today for some reason the Lord told me to go and visit and I didn’t question what He was telling me. I just did it.

When I saw him and he saw me for the first time all he could do was hold me and my daughter and cry. It was the most touching and spiritual moment I have had in a long time. I was glad that I listened to what God was telling me. He kept saying how much he loved me and his grandbaby and that he was SO glad that we finally came over and how much he missed us both.

He too is divorced and has met a nice Christian woman that was just so warm and inviting. She hugged me as if she knew me forever and it was just a peaceful and joyous place to me in that moment. My daughter had not seen her grandfather in at least 3 years and the two of them just hung out. It warmed my heart to
see them together, talking and playing and having a great time as if they had known each other for years.

The most touching part is that for the last 3 years her grandfather had purchased a Christmas gift her in the hopes that we would come by during the holidays to visit. She was so excited to have Christmas in the spring and has she was opening her presents I could feel a smile come across my ex father-in-laws face. He was just so happy and content to share that moment with her.

He took her outside and showed her the bird feeders, all his flowers and his garden. It was so warming to the heart to know that I made his day and had rekindled a relationship that I thought was forever lost.

How God works in mysterious ways is AMAZING and almighty. It may not be in our time, but it is in His time that things will fall into place! Now I have a renewed relationship and another person in my daughter’s life that loves her and wants to help me take care.

God is truly working in my life right now and I wake up EVERDAY thankful for my struggles because I appreciate the little things in life and I can appreciate all that he is doing for me. My divorce was difficult and stressful but I have finally gotten to a place of contentment and joy – all thanks to God moving and creating a wonderful life for me and my family that I never thought existed!

Thanks be to God!!!!!

May you have a blessed day!!!!

Colossians 2:2, 3 - that their hearts may be encouraged, being knit together in love, and attaining to all riches of the full assurance of understanding, to the knowledge of the mystery of God, both of the Father and of Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Inspiration for the Day: Tell Yourself...

Father's Day Gift Guide: Hosted by Blog It Forward

Welcome to the 2012 Father's Day Gift Guide hosted by Blog It Forward! If you are looking for great gift ideas for dad then you came to the right place! Men are so hard to buy for aren't they?! We want to help. We have gift ideas for all of the special men in your life! From hammocks to bathrobes to digital filing systems, we have ideas that will make your shopping easier!

Be sure to come back on June 1 because we will be giving away *every*single*gift* on the Father's Day Gift Guide!

  1. NeatDesk :: For the digital dad. This year give him a sleek tech-tool that will help him manage and digitize important files at home, in the office, and on the road.
  2. 3D Photo Crystal :: For the sentimental dad. 3D Laser Gifts can create etched crystals that show your love and appreciation for dad in a creative way.
  3. Kentfield Men's Hiking Shoe :: For the active dad. The Kentfield by Ahnu is designed for the dad who wants the performance of a cross-trainer with the breathability and comfort of a water-sandal.
  4. Xperience Days :: For the adventurous dad. With thousands of unique gift experiences nationwide, there is a perfect opportunity for dad in your area.
  5. Organic Bamboo Bathrobe :: For the "green" dad. Any dad would love to receive such a luxurious and eco-friendly gift from The Ultimate Green Store!
  6. EatSmart Precision GetFit Body Scale :: For the health conscious dad. This scale from EatSmart is perfect for dads who are serious about taking control of their health!
  7. Hammock Bliss :: For the outdoor dad. Any dad who loves to spend time outdoors will love a new hammock from Hammock Bliss!
  8. Galileo Weather Station :: For the weather buff dad. Dad will love to study the weather on the Galileo Weather Station from Wind & Weather!
  9. King Louie Microfiber Windshirt :: For the All American dad. All USA Clothing offers many gift options that dad will love, all Made in the USA!
  10. Journal 10 :: For the record keeper dad. Give dad his own personal time machine as he records precious memories and builds a memoir to treasure.
  11. Sogno Coffee ::  For the coffee loving dad. Dad will enjoy premium Sogno Coffee made with only the finest Arabica beans.
Please visit the links above which will take you to a full review of our fabulous sponsors. You will also find special offers and discounts. We hope you found some gift giving inspiration for you dad!

Don't forget to come back to this blog on June 1. We are giving away over $1210 in prizes! 

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Father's Day Gift Guide: Nogent*** Expert Range Paring Knife

Serious cooks have relied on Nogent*** for over 90 years when it comes to selecting knives that provide a lifetime of precision cutting.

The new Nogent*** Expert Range Paring Knife.

All knives in the Nogent*** Expert range feature their patent micro-serration technology which incorporates four mini teeth per millimeter…serration that's invisible to the eye. And what that means for cooks is that this knife never needs to be sharpened!  The new Expert Paring Knife is so exact that it can make perfect slices even out of the most delicate fruit or vegetable.

$19.95 each at

This knife is FANTASTIC!!! Last night we wanted something light for dinner so we decided to make pasta salad.  We did a product comparison with the standard cutting knife that we currently own and the Nogent*** Expert Paring Knife.

The end result was shear perfection! The Nogent*** Paring Knife sliced the olives, and mushrooms with effortlessness precision! It was similar to cutting butter with a warm knife. It was easy and flawless. The Nogent*** Paring Knife delivered a restaurant quality performance.

 Overall Rating for The Nogent***Paring Knife: 5 Stars

The NOGENT*** factory is located near Nogent, cradle of the cutlery trade and of the French surgical instrument trade for three centuries. NOGENT *** occupies a five-acre site and employs some fifty employees who are proud of their savoir faire. 

 A production capacity of over 10 million articles means we can meet any requirements.  We export 30 % of our products, notably to the most exacting markets such as Switzerland, Germany, USA and Spain.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Inspirational Quote for The Day: by Zoe Zantamata

It starts with a dream.

Add faith, and it becomes belief.

Add action, and it becomes a part of life.

Add perseverance, and it becomes a goal in sight.

Add patience and time, and it ends with a dream come true.

~Zoe Zantamata~


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

e.l.f. Cosmetics: Buy One, Get One Free & $2.95 Shipping!

 8-May-2012 - 30-May-2012   
*** This promotion will end in 7 days. ***

Buy One, Get One Free!

Get $2.95 shipping on all orders from e.l.f. cosmetics! Use code 295SHIP, valid now through 5/28.

*** This promotion will end in 7 days. ***

Comparison Shopping Site:

Do you try and find the best deals when shopping for any household items or clothing? Do you get tired of searching from site to site to find that bargain on the item that you are specifically looking for?
If so then, you should visit and it will take all of the stress from searching for the best deal as it is a comparison shopping site. It is your one stop shop to finding the best deals on the web for all the products you are looking for.

For example, say you were looking for misses rhinestone jeans on their site. It will bring up 5 plus pages full of different style jeans, colors and fits for your comparison shop. It includes the prices and the store that carriers that specific style of jeans. The site will even allow for you to narrow your search by size, material and gender/age to find the perfect pair of rhinestone jeans for you.

Or say you were looking for mens huaraches shoes. allows you to narrow your search by Price range, brand, color and gender/age to find the perfect huaraches shoes for you.

Overall, great site and easy to navigate and what is better than a one stop for all your bargain shopping that takes the stress out of visiting several online retail sites to find the best price!!

Check out today!!!

Disclaimer: Unless otherwise expressly stated, you should assume that Single Mom Inspirations has an affiliate relationship or other material connection to the providers of goods and services mentioned by, recommended, hyperlinked to, or otherwise referenced on Single Mom Inspirations. In addition, you should assume that Single Mom Inspirations may be compensated monetarily or non-monetarily when you visit, purchase goods or services from, or take any other action on a third-party website mentioned by, recommended, hyperlinked to, or otherwise referenced on Single Mom Inspirations. You should always perform due diligence before buying any goods or services online or offline.
This post was sponsored by I was under no obligation to write about them nor was I obligated to provide a positive review in return for the compensation. All thoughts and ideas expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.
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