Christine Tolhurst ( a fellow blogger) of Saved By Grace Blog is looking for Sponsors for a Ministry trip that God has laid on her heart to participate in.
This trip is a for a worthy cause and will be traveling LA Dream Center. The Center provides encouragement, support and inspiration for those that may be less fortune than us!
Please support Christine and the journey that God has laid on her heart and assist her with raising the funds to go on this trip!
God always blesses us when we help others!
Christine - God bless you in your journey! He will make a way out of no way!
Christine's Post and Contact Information:
My Church is going to the LA Dream Center in September and since God has
laid it on my heart to do ministry for months now, I feel I have to go
with them! I want to go with them! Just thinking about it gives me goose
bumps and makes my tummy flip.
The Dream Center in LA is a hospital that has been converted to a huge ministry center. They help over 40,000 people per month with anything from food, clothing, detox, helping those in the prostitution industry get out and many many more ways.
You can read more on their facebook page as well.
The only problem is money. My church has put together trip bundles and has reduced the price for each member to go. It would be a week long trip with all expenses included for around $900 a person. My husband also wants to go, so we need $1,800 dollars all together.
I believe God will find the money for us to go, but I need to put this out there. I need to make it known that I need the money and I need to ask for help.
At the present time, we do not have any extra after bills. In fact, we barely pay those. My husband works full time and I am on disability. We barely keep our head above water.
But I do believe in God's power to make things happen. All I need is your help. If you can sponsor my and my husband's trip, please make a donation. Even a small one helps. Even if all you can provide is gift-cards to fast food restaurants so we can eat while we are there, that helps.
God will make this happen. I know he will. Nothing is too big for him.
I would love a company to sponsor this. If a company sponsors, it will be well know on my blog and various social media outlets that you sponsored and I would be willing to offer free ad space in exchange as well.
Please e-mail for more info and to be a sponsor.
God Bless you!