Title: My Learning Post
Author: Lizzie Belle Quimby
Book Summary: When faced with the truth of her experiences, Elizabeth Jean Baldwin finds that in an effort to find acceptance, she has lived her life as someone else.
After her father’s betrayal, Elizabeth leans on the strict teachings of the Catholic Church for support until a “sin” sets her spiraling into a life of debilitating shame and guilt; a sin which leads to her astray from her life of innocence into one of paralyzing fear, betrayal and abuse.
My Summary: WOW! Is all I can say about this book! It was heart wrenching at times and it made you just want to jump into the pages of the story and help Elizabeth run away from the life that she lived. You wished that you could save her children from the wrath of her 2nd husband and his abusive ways. It was so moving because you could feel the pain and agony she faced as the various stages in her life. The shame and guilt that she was going through with being Catholic and getting pregnant at song a young age and how she felt going through this alone with no one to turn to. How she wanted to be in the one place that had always made her happy- church but felt shunned and turned away.
Abuse both mental, emotional and physically over time takes a toll on the mind body and soul. I know from firsthand experience what mental and emotional abuse can do to a person. It is like a constant pressure on the body that doesn’t go away. It is present daily and it is not until we remove ourselves completely from the situation and the people will it ever go away. We see this come to pass in this story as Elizabeth over time develops seizures from all the stress of being in such abusive relationships and worrying about her children and how she is going to financially survive.
Over time we see Elizabeth navigate the murky waters of turbulence and in the ends finds triumph as she reconnects with herself and God. She learns her own understanding of her relationship with God and that some of which is not true to what she had believed growing up in the Catholic Church.
We witness as Elizabeth comes full circle and finds herself at peace and comfort. Elizabeth is an amazing and courageous woman as we see her grow stronger and stronger throughout the course of her life. The transformation is magnificent and provides strength and encouragement for anyone that may have or is going through a similar situation as Elizabeth did.
Favorite Passage: “I walked home that night with a new found freedom; the Church had lost its power over me. I now had the forgiveness of the Catholic Church, but whether or not the Church forgave me didn’t matter anymore. It was by God’s grace, through faith that I had been forgiven.”
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