So there was an incident with my boyfriend and his kids a
few days ago where his son slapped his sister on the arm over changing the t.v. station. Okay
so he tells his ex-wife and come to find
out she has been having trouble with him as well around 6pm each night.
You wanna know what
she said...she says…. It is a protein deficiency and that all he needs is some
milk. SERIOUSLY!!! We are talking about an 8 year old and I don’t think milk is
going to solve the problem. Maybe there is something else going on as she also admitted
that he has been being mean to his sister recently. Maybe he is projecting. Maybe
he is getting bullied at school. Maybe we need to drill down on his behavior
because it is very uncharacteristic of him. He is an easy going manageable kid
and this type of behavior is unacceptable. Protein deficiency my a$$!
I try not to judge any parent but this is too much even for
me to keep my mouth shut! This is a case of a parent sticking their head in the
sand and not wanting to address any issues.
I can tell you first hand this is not the first time. If I told you some
of the other things that she has not stepped up to the plate with you would be
shocked. Sure I can try and give her the benefit of the doubt but that excuse
she provided is absolutely ridiculous!
My poor boyfriend just shook his head and walked away. I don’t know what this means for the future
but if she is making excuses as absurd as this now, then I don’t want to know
what happens when they get to be teenagers.
Okay thanks for letting me vent, but would love to know your thoughts on her comments.