Though financial strategy and planning isn’t limited to one specific gender, women have a disadvantage when it comes to a good financial standing simply by making only about ¾ of what a male counterpart would and by often getting less assets in a divorce but more of the children. That is why being smart about your financial means as a woman is more important than ever as women all over the world stand on their own two feet rather than be “supported” by men. To help make financial strategy and planning a real possibility, we’ve put together 5 financial tips for women to get you on the right track.
1. Educate Yourself – Nothing is better than educating yourself about a difficult problem when you are faced with one. Learn about financial issues such as money management and investing to make sure your overall financial strategy and planning benefits you rather than hinders you.
2. Set Financial Goals – There is nothing more productive and inspiring than setting goals to reach for and by setting financial goals for yourself you are allowing yourself to have a clear picture of your future in mind to constantly reach for. Decide where you want to be financially in 5 years, 10 years, etc and reach for those goals.
3. Spend Only ¾ of Your Income – Sure sometimes it isn’t possible when you are living paycheck to paycheck, but if you are stable enough to have a little money left over after each month sock it away and save it rather than spend it. This will help you not only create a savings, but help you to learn sound financial practices that can help you later on in life.
4. Train Yourself to be Financially Independent – In years past women were largely dependent on men for everything from the roof over their head to the money that paid for the food they ate, but as women slowly begin to become independent of men in both their personal and professional lives they no longer need to be as reliant on men to provide for them. Use this to your advantage and train yourself to be financially independent from a husband, boyfriend, etc to ensure that if/when you need to stand on your own two feet you are fully capable of doing so.
5. Avoid Emotional Spending - Another excellent point by reminds women not fall "prey to emotional spending, to using shopping as a means of feeling better when experiencing a period of stress or of feeling down, or something more serious, such as depression"
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