As a mother all I wanted to was hug my daughter as tight as I could and give her as many kisses I as possibly could place on her small face. It was heart wrenching to think that you send your kids off everyday with not a thought that some as tragic as this could ever happen. School is suppose to be a save environment where children are happy and are free to play with their friends without a care in the world.
Now there are innocent lives that have been affected both those of the parents that lost a child and those that had to endure the events that took place.
What would make a person....a grown fire on a group of innocent children. What in your life is so bad that you want to ruin the lives of others?
There are SO Many questions but not enough answers.
We here in the state of CT are still in awe of the situation that took place today. We are still trying to make sense of the madness of this gunman. We are holding our children tight and remebering to tell them "I love you" each moment that we can get.
Please pray for the families of this tradegy.