I Finally Finished
Master’s Degree in Business Administration!!!
The last year and half has been such a blur and as I look back I don’t know how I managed to balance school, work and my being a single mom.
During this time I had to take time off from blogging which was tough because I knew that my blog reached many people and it was a personal outlet for me. I knew that I could not give it my all with going back to school and everything else I had to balance during this time.
In the end I am so proud that I pushed myself, stayed focused and accomplished everything that I needed to do successfully and to my satisfaction.
So how did I do this?
My parents were so supportive of me during this period. When I needed the weekend to work on a paper or study they would watch my daughter and allow me the time I needed in order to get what I needed done for school. Without their support I don’t know how I would have made through.
During the week, I knew that I still needed to spend time with my daughter, so I conditioned myself to staying up later and doing some of my school work after she went to bed.
Since, I was taking online classes, I could use my lunchtime at work to log in and do school work when necessary.
In addition, while my daughter was doing her homework I would also do mine. She enjoyed that because she knew that she wasn’t the only one that was doing homework and it was encouraging for her as well.
I took advantage of every opportunity I had to study.
“Type A ” Personality
I am that person that does not like to fail. When I take on a challenge I see it through to the end. My personality is what pushed me to keep going when I just wanted to give up. This type of personality often comes with a negative connotation; however for me it is like it is a badge of honor.
There is nothing wrong with being an overachiever, perfectionist, workaholic or conscientious. These are just some of “traits” that has assisted me with being successful not only over the last year, but also as a single mom.
The key with not being coming an “extreme Type A Personality” is keeping everything in perspective and being realistic.
During this time, I told friends (all were very supportive) that I had to focus on school. I did not go out for happy hours, dinners, or just to hang out. I even had to miss work functions because I had limited time during the week when I could study and get school work completed. Every moment was valuable and I couldn't just give them up because I wanted to have "fun."
Being a Divorced Single Mom
From the time I became a single mom it was struggle. There were times when I didn't think that I would or could make it. But I had a focus and it was my daughter. I knew that she needed me to be strong and successful.
I applied that same thought when I was going through the program. I wanted to be successful, I wanted her to be able to see her mom walk proudly across that stage and receive her diploma. I wanted her to see, know and understand the importance of studying hard in school.
It was tough because I missed out a handful of very important events, but even if I did go, I knew that I wouldn’t enjoy myself because I would constantly be thinking about school and knowing that I could be home studying and I would have felt like a slacker.
Overall, it was a stressful time, but it was worth the reward in the end!
During this time, I was even able to obtain a position with an excellent insurance company that pays me a fantastic salary. This was due mainly because of my many accomplishments throughout my career and they were impressed that I was back in school and almost completed my Master’s Degree! They told me
“I would be asset to the company and that I was the person they wanted on their team!!”
